Printables, Recipe Card Maker, Free Printables

Halloween Wrappers for Miniature Candy Bars

Printable candy wrappers cover mini Hershey's candy bars and make great treats!

Print wrappers on light-weight paper.
Regular white paper will work for your wrappers,
or you can use mate paper for sharp text and brilliant colors.

Cut out individual wrappers.

Apply glue or double-sided tape to the white top spot.
Center the wrapper on the front picture of the candy bar
(the one that's in the middle)
and wrap the ends of the paper around the candy bar.

Note: the krackel miniature candy bars are a bit larger
than the other kinds but the wrappers still fit.

- GRAPHICS: 24 single mini wrappers and 7 full sheet printables.

Files are provided as singles and 8 1/2" by 11" full sheet printables. (Png graphics.)

- E-BOOK: 9 pages

There are about three different wrappers on a page so you can have a variety, but if you don't like my choice I can quickly change this, just email me and let me know.

All pages are pre-configured to print out perfectly. Several pages are editable allowing you to type your personalized message. It must be short because there's not much space on the wrappers.
To change text, delete the portion where editable text appears and type your own.
You will need the latest version of Acrobat Reader to use my E-book.

License: Allows use for different types of finished, tangible items e.g. non-digital products you personally make and sell. Does not allow resale and digital use.

This printables kit is available to members of the Printables Club.

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