Printables, Recipe Card Maker, Free Printables

Dear Teacher Printables

Click here for more samples.

This set contains templates for printing the following:

- 1 Bookmark with envelope,
- 1 - Bag Topper,
- 1 Post-It Holder,
- Covers for Post-It Holder,
- Gift Pocket,
- 1 Tea Bag Packet,
- 1 Coffee Singles Packet,
- 2 Mini Wrappers,
- 2 - 1.55 oz Candy Bar Wrapper,
- 1 inside print,
- 1 Gift Bag,
- 1 Gift Basket,
- 1 Open Box - Basket.

- Grand Total: 23 graphics

All png and e-book files as 8.5" x 11" letter sized file.

Printable e-book is also included.
- E-BOOK: 17 files

All pages are pre-configured to print out perfectly. Several pages are editable allowing you to type your personalized message. Simply delete the portion where editable text appears and type your own.
You will need Acrobat Reader to use my E-book.


-8 1/2 x 11 inch (or A4) card stock paper. (Optional - glossy paper)
-8 1/2 x 11 inch (or A4) light-weight paper such as regular copy paper or more fancy matte paper.

- Scissors or paper cutter, glue or double sided tape.
- an X-acto knife to cut out the openings for handles.

This printables kit is available to members of the Printables Club.

*Members of the Printables Club, Log In Here to Print.

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