Printables, Recipe Cards, USB Stick, Freebies
Printables and DIY Ideas for Gifts you can print from the comfort of home.

Tools For Life, Father's Day and Happy Birthday Printables

Sweet Pea

Click on each image below for a larger view.

Sweet Pea Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea Sweet Pea

( Most printables comes with "Happy Birthday" as well as "Happy Father's Day" printables.)

Included in kit:

If you only need one of each printable,
you'll appreciate the trio printables.
These are multiple printables on one page.

The following trio printables are included:

Pillow box trio.
Print 1 Pillow box, 1 Bottle Tag, 2 mini cards. (Pillow box holds a gift card.)

Wrappers Mix
Print 1 standard wrapper, 5 mini wrappers and 1 long wrapper.

Note Cards Trio

Print 1 note card, 1 insert and 1 four inch diamond shaped card.

Other items:
- 1 Bookmark,
- 1 note cards with co-ordinating inserts and one envelope (With and without text),
- 1 Tea Bag Pocket (Without text),
- 1 Mini Wrapper (Without text),
- 1 - 1.55 Open End Style Candy Bar Wrappers, (Without text)
- 1 Large Card - sized 3.25" by 4.25" (With and without text),
- 2 Mini Cards - sized 2.2" by 3.2" (With and without text),
- 1 Bottle Tag - (With and without text),
- 1 Microwave Popcorn Wrapper - (With and without text),
- 1 Mini Microwave Popcorn Bag - (With and without text),
- 1 Coffee pocket - (With and without text),
- 1 Pillow Box - (With and without text),
- 3 Inch Circle Tags (Drink Coasters, Bottle Tags) - (With and without text),
- 1 Tool Box Cookie Bag - (With and without text),
- 1 Tool Box, Two-Cupcakes Box - (With and without text).

You will need a PDF Reader such as Acrobat Reader to change text and print.

.Png graphics are also included!

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