Printables, Recipe Card Maker, Free Printables

Sunflower and Fall Gnome Printables

Most printables from the Sunflower kit are shown.

Included in the Sunflowers kit:

- 1 Notecard with Insert and Envelope,
- 1 Bookmark,
- 1 Full Page Print,
- 1 Half-Page Print,
- 1 "mini" cards, large size,
- 1 Bag topper,
- 2 Avery Address Labels for Hershey's nuggets,
- 1 Miniature Candy Bar Wrapper,
- 1 - 1.55 Open End Style Candy Bar Wrapper,
- 1 Candy Bar Envelope,
- 1 Microwave Popcorn Wrapper,
- 1 Bag for Mini Microwave Popcorn,
- 1 Packet for Tea Bags,
- 1 Packet for Coffee Singles,
- 1 Packet for Cocoa Mix,
- 1 Cookie bag,
- 1 3 1/2" Pocket for gift cards,
- 1 Mini Pack Tissue Holder,
- 1 Treat bag,
- 1 Bottle Tag,
- 1 Place card,
- 1 Cake Box,
- 1 Basket,
- 1 Gift Bag,
- 1 Cupcake Box. Grand Total: printables kit contains 54 e-book files (.pdf)
Grand Total: printables kit contains 58 .jpg files
Included in the Fall Gnome kit:

- 1 Notecard with Insert and Envelope,
- 1 Bookmark,
- 1 Full Page Print,
- 1 Half-Page Print,
- 1 "mini" cards, large size,
- 1 Bag topper,
- 1 Miniature Candy Bar Wrapper,
- 1 - 1.55 Open End Style Candy Bar Wrapper,
- 1 Candy Bar Envelope,
- 1 Microwave Popcorn Wrapper,
- 1 Bag for Mini Microwave Popcorn,
- 1 Packet for Tea Bags,
- 1 Packet for Coffee Singles,
- 1 Packet for Cocoa Mix,
- 1 Cookie bag,
- 1 3 1/2" Pocket for gift cards,
- 1 Treat bag,
- 1 Bottle Tag,
- 1 Basket,
- 1 Gift Bag,
- 1 Cupcake Box. Grand Total: printables kit contains 43 e-book files (.pdf)
Grand Total: printables kit contains 44 .jpg files


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