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How to Flood Fill with a Pattern in Photoshop

In this tutorial you will learn how to use the flood fill/paint bucket tool.

First, save a background tile to your computer.
So you have a sample to work with.

    - Start Photoshop.

    - Open any of the tile patterns you wish to use.

    Define a pattern

    From the main menu:
    Select > Edit > Define Pattern

    - Click on the "Flood Fill" tool.

    Click OK.

    Repeat step 2 for all the patterns you wish to add. You have to open them first.

    Save patterns as a
    Save patterns for future use.

    From the main menu go to:
    Edit > Pre > Pre Manager .

    In latest versions of Photoshop, select Patterns from the Pre Manager .

    Select the patterns you want to include in the .

    To select more than one pattern, click on the pattern, then hold down the shift or CTRL keys on your keyboard. Hold this key down and click on other patterns you want to include in the .

    Click the "Save " button and give it a name you will remember.

    Start a new document:
    From the main menu open:
    File > New > Blank File

    To add the background to an entire page, use the following tings:
    width: 8.5"; height: 11"; Resolution 197; Raster Background; Color mode:RGB 16 bit.

    - Click OK.

    Paint Bucket Tool

    From the main menu:

    Select the “Paint Bucket Tool

    Open the “Pattern Picker” drop down box at the top of the screen.
    Click on the pattern you want to use.

    And finally, place your flood fill tool on the blank page and click.

    Save your new image.


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