Printables, Recipe Card Maker, Free Printables

Birth Flowers Printables

Each month has a flower that symbolizes the month of somebody's birth. I have designed a series of printables that feature a birth flower for 8 months. Aster for September, Calendula for October, Peony for November, Paperwhite Narcissus for December, Poinsettia for December, Carnation for January, Violet and Primrose for February, Jonquil for March.

( Each printable comes with "Happy Birthday" as well as "Thank you" text so they can be used for birthdays and other occasions. Printables with "no text" can be personalized with sentiments of your choice.)

Each of the 8 printables kits contains templates for making the following crafts and projects:
- note cards with co-ordinating inserts and one envelope (With and without text),
- Microwave Popcorn Wrappers (With and without text),
- Tea Bag Pockets (With and without text),
- Packets for Coffee Singles (With and without text),
- Cocoa Packets (With and without text),
- Cookie Holders (With and without text),
- Mini Wrappers (With and without text),
- 1.55 Open End Style Candy Bar Wrappers, (With and without text)
- Mini Cards - sized 3-1/2 by 4-1/2" (With and without text),
- Small Purses (designed to hold tea bag envelopes, mini candy bar wrappers),
- Cupcake Box,
- Gift Bag (holds all items except the box and the purse).

Aster for September

Calendula for October

Peony for November

Paperwhite Narcissus for December

Poinsettia for December

Carnation for January

Violet and Primrose for February

Jonquil for March

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